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Health & Safety Support

The Health and Safety at Work Order 1978 and You.

All organizations employing five or more employees are legally required to undertake the following duties:

Provide a written health and safety policy statement

Detail in writing the organisational arrangements for carrying out its policy objectives

Identify and record significant workplace risks

Communicate these arrangements to its employees

Review these arrangements regularly

The purpose of this legislative programme is to reduce the incidence of injury and ill health to employees and other stakeholders who may be affected by your operations. The extent of your health and safety management system will depend upon two defining factors:

The size of your organisation

The complexity of your operations

Ballylough Consultancy can offer professional health and safety advice and guidance that is both cost effective and proportionate to the needs of your organisation.

Health & Safety Support

The Ballylough Health and Safety Management Standard

We have developed the Ballylough Health and Safety Management Standard to provide the platform upon which your organisation can build. Using your own industry knowledge and know-how we can work together to achieve a safe and healthy future for all employees, owners and customers.

We will be on hand to assist you and your organisation to achieve the highest standards of health and safety management and to help you to develop a positive health and safety culture that will enhance the commitment of your employees to work in a safe and healthy manner, promoting communication, co-operation and consultation.

The highlights of the Health and Safety Management Standard are, but not confined to, the following:

A written statement of Health and Safety Policy

Your company's risk management strategy

A detailed description of your organisational structure and the roles and responsibilities

Procedures for inspection and auditing (internal and external)

Information, instruction, and training.


Health and Safety Continuous Support

Having established your organisational compliance with the standard a dedicated advisor will be assigned to your business. The relationship forged between the advisor and you and members of your team is the most important element in achieving compliance with the performance standards. Your advisor will assist you and your team in all areas of health and safety management within your organisation.

Your advisor will assist you in:

Carrying out the duties listed in the above paragraph Undertaking risk assessments in line with regulatory requirements to include:

Manual Handling

Noise and Vibration

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

Workplace Equipment

Display Screen Equipment

Asbestos Management


Undertaking statistical analysis of your incident reports

Conducting training needs audits

Cultivating a positive health and safety culture

Conducting health and safety committee meetings

Preparation and delivery of formal training sessions

Preparation of safety handbooks

Preparation of method statements and safe systems of work

Preparation of toolbox talk training sessions

Setting up health surveillance systems both pre and in-employment

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